According to Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Right to Education Act) every child below 14 years of age has right to get free and compulsory education. In rural areas many children under this age group are drop out from the school due to various socio and economic problem at their family and community level. Especially the girl child are drop out from the school to support their parents at farm land and home.
Ekta has been working with Childline India Foundation, Mumbai under CHLIDLINE 1098 Project since 2015 at Borigumma, Kotpad, Lamtaput, Boipariguda and Kundra blocks of Koraput district. The Childline project has been working for the children under 18 years of age towards address their need, care and protection in collaboration with allied systems.
On 5th May, 2018 the team members of Childline Koraput Ekta were rescued 7 male child labour from different hotels, dhabas and General stores at Borigumma with the support of District Labour Department, District Child Projection Unit, Child Welfare Committee and Local Police.
The rescued Childs were produced before Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Koraput on the same day. The CWC heard the case details and discussed with the children and their parents. The CWC ordered to District Child Protection Unit for taking appropriate action to provide educational and vocation training support to the children. After provide temporary shelter to the childrens at Child Care Institution, SOVA, Koraput the children were handed over to their parents.