After 20 years of its journey, Ekta initiated to promote clean energy and ensure livelihood of tribal community through promotion of clean energy under Access to Clean Cook-stove for Economic Sustainability and Social Well being) project in partnership with Practical Action. After a lot of study, research and demonstration within the community, we have developed a clean cook stove which has highly accepted by the rural community. Under this project, we have covered 31829 rural tribal populations covering 8891 family in 98 villagers of 18 Gram Panchayats in 5 blocks of Koraput district since 1st July, 2014.

Project Goal: Access to Clean Cook-stoves for Economic Sustainability and Social Wellbeing.

Outcome 1: Increased access to Improved Cook Stoves and Cook Fuels.

Outcome 2: Increased livelihood opportunities leading to increased income of households.

Outcome 3: Reduction of Air Pollution in Households, Institutions and Communities.

The project has been working with 12 women entrepreneurs group and 1 federation in Koraput district. The main objective was to form the federation group will be produced the clean cook stove in central level and the entrepreneur groups will be engaged in create awareness and marketing of clean cook stoves. This activity will help to enhance their income in both house hold and individual level.

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