Target Intervention project was supported by Odisha State AIDS Control Society (OSACS) since 2009. Through this project, we have been covering 350 Female Sex Workers of Koraput, Sunabeda, Damonjodi, Semiliguda slums, Ralegada, Sunki National Highway by facilitating and linking of various services, facilities and disseminating relevant information.
- 838 FSWs registered and intervened through target intervention of HIV/AIDS
- Effectively functioning 20 condom outlets in different locations
- 2360 HRGs linked to ICTC for testing
- 1348 no of referred to RMC testing
- 70 no of STI treatment cycle completed
- Strengthening of 1 Drop In Centre (DIC) for High Risk Group (HRG) group as information and communication centre and 80-100 HRGs accessed the centre on monthly basis
- 08 no of Self Help Group (SHG) formed with 100 of Female Sex Workers (FSW) into it. Besides trained on different thematic issues, they have also been linked with bank for income generation activities
- 20 no of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) referred to ART centre
- More than 1500 migrants have been supported with materials on HIV/AIDS
(1) Condom Promotion
- Each peer educator distributes over 1,000 condoms every month.
- These are targeted at high-risk groups.
(2) Community Mobilization
- Encourage collective decision-making by community members through committees.
(3) Referrals and linkages
- Refer to health services, such as Integrated Testing and Counseling Centres, and follow-up.
(4) Managing STDs
- about preventing sexually transmitted diseases, as STIs increase the risk of HIV infection
- Services should be accessible for High Risk groups
(5) Enabling Environment
- Enable High Risk Groups to choose safe sex
- Broader socio-economic change and cultural change
(6) Behavioral Change Communication
- Encouraging regular screenings and safe sex.