Ananta Gouda aged about 25 years locomotor (Polio) disability is a resident of Ghodador village under Kendar Panchayat of Koraput block. At the tender age, he had the dream that he will not burden on others for fulfilling his basic necessities! In spite of his disability and societal attitude, he successfully completed his school education with his parents support and cooperation which was big news at that time in his locality. Due to his condition and parents inability to support for higher education, he could not go beyond that. When we met him, we was leading very lonely and isolated life having very disturbed and discouraged with his present condition. Getting mobilized for doing something for him, we observed some positive changes in him after necessary discussion and counseling. As a first initiative, we had linked all possible services, facilities and entitlements which he deserved after developing individual rehabilitation plan in due consultation! This was a moral boosting measure not only of his but also of his family! This gave him meaning to his life and proceeded towards fulfilling his dream! To fulfill his basic requirements as well as get him engaged, we suggested him to open a small shop in the road side of the village in which we have given some financial support as part of the income generation support. Being involved in the process, he is not only engaged in some income generating activity but also earn something. He feels proud that he is capable of doing something in spite of his challenge and led a life with dignity. He is now married which he never thought of as he was depended on others. The family members as well as his parents were quite happy the changes that they observed in Ananta. The ways he is dealing the entire situation is quite amazing! Still, he has the plan to do something more which will improve his life financially as well as socially.

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