This project has been implemented by Ekta with the support from Department of Social Security and empowerment of Person With Disability, Govt. of Odisha since in April, 2016 at Koraput.
This project focusing on:
- Upgrade our existing Centre with full equipped, more technical human resources, & more focus to Person with Intellectual disabilities
- Plan to provide therapeutic service, counselling to parent & person with disabilities
- Daily living skill transfer to children with disabilities, parents & care giver
- Organize different activities for Social inclusion of person with disabilities
- Provide appropriate vocational skill to Person with intellectual disabilities
- Strengthening of referral system
- Facilitate minimum basic education with use appropriate teaching & learning materials
- Develop teaching & learning materials (TLM) with use of waste material & available local resources
- Linkage & mobilize different rights & entitlement for person with disabilities
- Networking with different stakeholders & govt. line department for better rehabilitation service
- Develop low cost Assistive Devices taking local available resources
- Participatory decision making process with community, parents & Person with disabilities during our intervention
- Mobilization & organize Special camp for outreach pocket in our centre
- More priority to children with disabilities
- Implement our work with better coordination & collaboration with govt. & other line department
- Develop volunteers as a link point in different outreach area for strengthening referral system