Mobile Health Unit (AROGYA PLUS) Project is being implemented in out reach pockets at Sunki, Petru, Chandaka, Ralegada, Tola Goluru and Amphabali Gram Panchayats of Pottangi block and Ramgiri, Dandabadi, Haldikund and Chikapur GPs of Boipariguda block in Koraput district (Odisha). It is a Central Govt. sponsorship program under National Health Mission.
The objective of this project is to provide health services in the out reach areas where medical services can’t access by the people. This project has consisted with Ayush Doctor, Pharmacist, ANM, Attendant, Diver along with Bolero vehicle.
The team being organised health awareness program, health camp, health check up, Referral services to CHC, Pottangi and providing counselling services in the project areas.