Daimati Santa, 16 years old Kandha Tribal girl of Gamkapader village, Kerimity GP in Kundra block of Koraput. Her father is Samaru Santa and Mother is Sukari Santa both are farmers. Daimati is very interest for study and now she is reading at class 10th.. One day a marriage proposal came from Narsing Santa of Kantikunda village of Kundra Block. Daimati’s parents had agreed this proposal because of Narsing Saunta’s family is good and well known in the locality. But Daimati is not agreed for this marriage because she wants to continue her study. Her family opposed and they created presser for marriage.


AESS project is being implemented in the Panchayat and Daimati knows about this. So she shared it with the women activist and AESS volunteers. After that, AESS volunteers had organized an awareness program on bad impact of Child Marriage and legal provision against the violence of Prevention of Child Marriage Act.-2006. In spite of all, Narsing Santa agreed to postpone the marriage but his parents were not agreed. Finally it had decided that, the engagement ceremony will be completed but the marriage will be done when Daimati complete her 18 years.  Now the parents of both the families are saying that marriage should be done in the appropriate age so that both bride and bridegroom will be happy.


Daimati set an example for the girls who are doesn’t want to marry in under age. For this braveness Daimati received recognitions and awards from both District and State level.  She has felicitated by Odisha State Commission for Protection of Child Right (OSCPCR) at Bhubaneswar. She has also received award and certificate from the Hon’ble Governor of Odisha Shri S. C. Jamir on the eve of Observation of International Women’s Day at Bhubaneswar. On behalf of Daimati her father received the award and certificate from The Governor of Odisha because she was appearing her matriculation exam at Kundra.

Now Daimati became a role model among the tribal youths in her locality. Damati has given all the credit to the volunteers and Staff of Adivasi Ekta Sangathan (AES), Koraput for their support and corporation. Without their intervention it couldn’t be possible to stop my marriage at that time. She says “No More Child Marriage”. We will create awareness among the parents, peer groups and community to stop Child Marriage.

Daimati Santa

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