Sambaru Saunta is a 10 years old boy live with his father Gangadha Saunta and mother Sukala dei Saunta at Pandrimati village of Kermity GP in Kundra block. He has one sister and two brothers. His father is a farmer.

He goes to Dudumaguda primary school for study along with his 15 friends regularly. The school has situated 3 km away from his village. Sambaru and his friends are passing through a stream and forest a road to enter the school. In the rain, it is very difficult to reach the school for them. It is every possibility to lose the life while crossing the stream in the rain. Sambaru is very interested to attend the school but in the rain he misses the class due this problem. He wanted someone who will help him to solve this problem. Fortunately, he met with the member of Adivasi Ekta Sangathan in his village and he collected contact number of Child Commissioner. Sambaru wrote a letter in his hand writing and mentioned “I afraid to go school because it is 3 km away from my village and I’ve to go through a lonely forest road and has to cross a stream every day. His friends have also interested to go school but due to this problem they are not going to school. He mentioned in the letter if, school will construct in his village then so many children will get opportunity to study”. He posted that letter in the address of Smt. Kasturi Mahapatra, Chairperson of Odisa State Child Right Commission, Bhubaneswar. The Chairperson of OSCRC responded the letter.

In the meantime the villagers also shared the problem with the Adivasi Ekta Sangathan (AES) members to support to write application for construction a school in his village. After received the letter from Sambaru, an acknowledgement letter has reached from OSCRC. It has mentioned that, your application has registered and sent it to Block Education Officer (BEO) for inquiry.  Sambaru and the villagers were very happy and excited to get immediate respond from the OSCRC.  Sambaru and the villager also sent a thank you letter to OSCRC for their quick respond. The BEO, Kundra and other education officers has visited the village and promised to solve the problem immediately.

Now all the villager and children are very happy to hear this from the authorities…..

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