Karanguda is situated in Mahadeiput Panchayat under Koraput block where Raghunath Nayak, a tribal resides as village headman (Nayak). Being the head, he has been playing vital role of mobilizing and organizing the community during various occasions. Besider that, he had the dream of developing his village where the villagers will find no difficulty in accessing of various services and facilities from different sources. For his sheer interest and able leadership, he was nominated as President of Village Development Committee of this village. He had got scope of being the member of GP level committee and enhanced his idea, knowledge and understanding on various issues of people’s importance.

Taking his knowledge and exposure into view, under his leadership, he approached higher authorities for the construction of bridge connection to his village by submitting memorandum and highlighted the same in various local print & electronic media. For making it possible, the villagers have been following the same as and when opportunity came to them. Due to all these efforts, at least, construction of bridge was sanctioned under TSP fund and complete ind due times. Now, the communities are getting more facilities i.e. communication is smooth, easy access of health & education facilities and the drastic change in their livelihood as they are now able to sell their produces in nearby villager and markers.NF03-Mahadeiput1

In order to get safe drinking water, the villagers have been facing problems as they had to fetch water from nearby stream in all-weather which is not safe for them. Although, the village had 4 tube wells but all were in defunct! This issue was also addressed when it was published in various local daily newspapers. In their village, some waste lands are there which are of no use! After identifiying the same, the waste lands of 47 acres were developed under MGNREGA which was passed in Palli Sabha. Now, the communities have been using those lands for paddy, ragi and vegetable cultivation by convergence with Horticulture and Agriculture Departments. This way, they not only revived the waste lands but also used them for addressing their livelihood needs. For making all these things possible in the village of Karanguda, we owe our thanks to Raghunath without whom it could not be possible to achieve. In each and every initiative taken for the village, he was always taking the lead role and makes his presence! It is high time for us to think and promote the leader like Raghunath for a positive change in the society.

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