Self-confidence will assist to success life. “Mrs. Chanchala Hantal, President of Maa Shilabala Self Help Group of Purna Dumuriput is one of the best examples in the locality. She organized a women meeting in 2011 with an objective to create a Self Help Group in the village for addressing the issues of the villagers especially for the women. After due process, SHG was formed where Mrs. Hantal had been nominated as President. She has been actively participating in various meetings and trainings at Panchayat, Block and District level organized by different agencies from time to time by raising the issue of the village in there. As a result, her group was selected to undertake various programs of different departments and agencies which were rightly justified by them. Through these collective actions, all the members were developed and empowered to lead a life with dignity.

Taking the previous records and achievements into view, this group has been selected and involved in our producer group activity in response of Koraput block in ACCESS Project. Now, ChalchalAccess-2a and Jashmi Benya (Secretary) as well as her group have been capacitated on manufacturing and designing of clean cook stoves. After that, they have been organizing cluster wise training of the SHWEG for production of clean cook fuels in our operational areas. She has also been encouraging to the other producer groups to make a production Centre in their locality and enhance income in group as well as themselves. Now, Chanchala and Jashmiproudly say that they are the trainers of manufacturing and designing of clean cook stoves. This initiative is not only boost the morale but also inspire to others for undertaking entrepreneurship activity for their development & empowerment. She is giving thanks to Ekta and ACCESS project for her success.

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